

Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox

Chancellor's Distinguished Lecture Series

The Chancellor’s Distinguished Lecture Series launched in 2005 to involve members of the wider community in the academic life at UCR and inspire faculty, staff, and students to think beyond the lecture hall and laboratory.

More about the Distinguished Lecture Series


Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox

Community Advisory Committees

The Chancellor’s Community Advisory Committees provide an opportunity for the Chancellor to seek valuable input and feedback from key community constituencies. 

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Chancellor talking with Dean and Distinguished Speaker Eduardo Bonilla-Silva

Task Force on Campus Culture

The Campus Culture Task Force builds on the work of recent departmental and campus-wide reviews, to analyze our formal policies, informal processes, and organizational behavior to address bullying, harassment, favoritism, and toxic work environments. Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer Mariam Lam and Dean of the Bourns College of Engineering Christopher Lynch are co-chairing the task force.

More about the task force


Chancellor Wilcox Gender Recognition

Gender Recognition and Lived Name Committee

Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion Mariam Lam chairs the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Committee (formerly the Task Force on the California Gender Recognition Act) to ensure UCR's compliance with the UC Policy on Gender Recognition and Lived Name, as well as the California Gender Recognition Act. 

More about the committee 

Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox

Task Force on Staff Engagement

Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Jadie Lee and Immediate Past President of Staff Assembly Julie Salgado co-chaired the Task Force on Staff Engagement, which launched in May 2018 to identify opportunities to enhance staff engagement and develop recommendations for additional actions to increase staff engagement at UCR. 

More about the task force

Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox

Free Speech Working Group

Made up of students, faculty, and staff, the Free Speech Working Group is tasked with reviewing UCR's policies and practices related to free speech. 

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UCR's Senior Leadership at the Alumni Center

Senior Leadership Development Assessments

Every five years, each Senior Management Group (SMG) member participates in a leadership development assessment (or five-year review). This formative review process is designed to provide broader feedback than is usual with an annual performance evaluation, including assessment of administrative effectiveness, identification of accomplishments and challenges, and evaluation of progress toward campus and unit goals. 

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Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox

Campus Conversations

On January 24, 2017, Chancellor Wilcox announced a series of conversations with the UCR community over the course of the winter quarter focused on reframing and expanding communication and consultation on matters of importance to the campus.

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Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox

UCR 2020: the Path to Preeminence

Drawing on knowledge and expertise from across campus, UCR developed a strategic plan to provide a framework for growth and investment over a decade. Built on four overarching themes—excellence, access, diversity, and engagement—UCR 2020 uses benchmarks set by AAU-member universities to define goals and dictate assessment.

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Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox

Living the Promise: The Campaign for UC Riverside

On Oct. 15, 2016, UC Riverside launched the public phase of its first ever comprehensive fundraising campaign—Living the Promise: The Campaign for UC Riverside. With completion of the campaign planned for 2020, Living the Promise seeks to raise $300 million overall, focusing on increased funding for student support, faculty research, and infrastructure. 

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Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox

Physical Master Plan Study

Initiated in 2014, the UCR Physical Master Plan Study represents a broadly informed vision for a UCR campus aimed at growing enrollment to 25,000 students by 2020 and potentially reaching 30,000 students by 2025.

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